Fair Trade


Fair Trade is a trading partnership recognised the world over that seeks great equity in international
trade. It plays an active part in sustainable development by offering better trading conditions to, and securing the rights of marginalised producers and workers. Backed by aware consumers the world over, Fair Trade organisations are actively engaged in supporting producers, raising awareness and in campaigning for reforms in conventional international trade. A Fair Trade product can be recognised by the WFTO logo.


Fair Trade believes that it is possible to ensure greater justice in world trade.

It highlights the need for reforms in conventional trade.

Fair Trade is testimony to how a successful business can also put people first.

It actively contributes to the fight against poverty, climate change and economic crisis.

10 Principles of Fair Trade
These 10 principles are enshrined in the fabric of every Fair Trade-associated organisation. These are followed on a day-to-day basis and their implementation is monitored regularly.
Opportunities for Marginalized producers

Alleviation of poverty through trade is a key aim for every Fair Trade-associated organisation. Through support to marginalised small producers like independent family businesses, associations and cooperatives, Fair Trade aims to enable their move from income insecurity to economic self-sufficiency and ownership.

Transparency and Accountancy

Transparency in its management and commercial relations and accountability to all its stakeholders are the hallmark of every Fair Trade organisation. Employees, members and producers are involved in its decision making processes and relevant information is shared with all its trading partners.

Fair Trading Practices

At the heart of every Fair Trade transaction lies respect for social, economic and environmental concerns. Timely fulfilment of commitments, contracts and product delivery as per desired quality and specifications go hand-in-hand with welfare of marginalised small producers.

Fair Payment

A fair price is one that has been mutually agreed by all concerned through dialogue and participation. This ensures fair pay to producers as well as are sustainable in the market. Setting a fair price takes into account the principle of equal pay for equal work by women and men.

No Forced Labour

Fair Trade adheres to the UN convention on the Rights of The Child as well as to national and local law on the employment of children. This means the use of child labour is forbidden in its workforce or its members or homeworkers.

No Discrimination

The organisation does not discriminate in hiring, remuneration, access to training, promotion, termination or retirement based on race, caste, religion, national origin, disability, gender, sexual orientation, union membership, political affiliation, HIV/ AIDS status or age.

Good Working Condition

The organisation provides a safe and healthy working environment for employees and members and complies with national, local laws and ILO conventions on health and safety. Constant efforts are made to raise awareness and improve health and safety practices in producer groups.

Capacity Building

Organisations working directly with small producers develop specific activities to help them improve their management skills, production capabilities and access to local, regional, international markets. Organisations who buy Fair Trade products through intermediaries encourage capacity building to support the marginalised producer groups that they work with.

Promote Fair Trade

The principles of Fair Trade are advocated through all activities of the organisation. Information is disseminated about itself, its products and the producer groups and members who make or harvest the product. Honest advertising and marketing techniques are always used.

Respect Environment

Fair Trade-associated organisations maximise the use of raw materials from sustainably- managed sources in their ranges and buy locally when possible. They use production technologies that reduce energy consumption and wherever possible, use renewable energy in order to minimise greenhouse emissions. Organic or low pesticides are used wherever possible and all organisations use recycled or easily bio-degradable materials for packing and goods are dispatched by sea wherever possible.