
Asha Handicrafts / Asha Handicrafts Artisans  / Ruby’s Triumph!
Asha Handicrafts artisan

Ruby’s Triumph!

Ruby Devi as a young girl stopped going to school since she did not find it interesting. As she looks back today she regrets having left her education midway. Her desire to study now is a dream unfulfilled as she single handedly shoulders the responsibility of her home and family.

She was married as soon as she turned 18, as is the family tradition. The arranged marriage turned out to be a nightmare when she discovered her husband was a drug addict. He would often disappear for months together and then suddenly return home. This soon became a routine. Finally, one day, 6 years ago, he walked away and never returned, leaving her with their 2 children, a 13-year-old son and 10-year-old daughter.

Ruby was left with very few options and had to look for work that would support her and her little children. Having no education, finding work was not easy. Through her persistent effort, she managed to find work with a wooden handicraft producer group. Here she learned packaging and painting of wooden handicrafts.

Asha Handicrafts reached out to Ruby as she continued to work with the wooden handicrafts supplier over the last 2 years. Her children were provided educational assistance and also given essential food items during the nationwide lockdown. Besides taking home fair wages, she also benefits from the various social welfare initiatives conducted by Asha. 

Ruby used to walk for half an hour to reach her work place so she could save a little money. Asha decided to provide a bicycle to her to ease her commute. She now comes to work in 15 minutes, which helps her conserve her energy and time.

Her children attend the local school and her only dream is to educate her children so that they will have a promising future. In her free time Ruby enjoys listening to old classical Hindi melodies. Her life revolves around and her children & her work, where she spends most of her time .

 It does not matter how slowly you go so long as you do not stop. – Confucius

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